Friday, May 2, 2014

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare

So it seems like the Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare trailer was leaked a little early than the May 4th Reveal. With that, Activision acknowledged that and have 'officially' released the Reveal trailer. 

Now, as you see through the trailer it is going to be a futuristic shooter. So that is going to be a little interesting, especially with the introduction of the exoskeletons and the super jumps. How will this transition into the online? I am very anxious to find out. 

See, I am one of the few that actually likes Ghosts. I don't see why everyone hates on that game, it works and it is really fun online. I like all the customizations and how deep I can get into the multi-player settings. 

Since this is going to be Sledgehammers first Call of Duty game I have high hopes that they are going to revolutionize the multiplayer scene since they, hopefully, are not going to follow any recipes. 

So here is to another good Call of Duty!

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